Mississippi Turfgrass Association2022-01-10T15:31:11-06:00


From the MTA President
Calendar of Events
News from MTA

A New Standard for Sports Field Management

Athletic field managers combine science, art, and long hours of hard work to provide playing surfaces that are safe, playable, and aesthetically pleasing.
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Member Spotlight on Jay Grisham

If you get a chance to sit down and talk shop with Jay Grisham, MTA member and owner of Weed Warriors, it won’t take long for his gratitude, humble nature and enthusiasm to take center stage.
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Pesticides of the Future

Pesticides have undergone significant changes in the past 50 years with an increased focus on environmental and applicator safety. Mississippi Turfgrass Association members and the entire turfgrass industry will see pesticide technologies in the future look very different than the...
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Genomics-enabled Breeding of Turfgrass

Turfgrass breeders seek to improve grasses for a variety of end uses. Through plant genomics, we can sequence the genes and then study the relationships of those genes on typical characteristics.
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