Tennessee Turfgrass Association2021-01-20T14:25:04-06:00

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The Turfgrass Team at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville

A Contrarian’s Guide to Autonomous Turfgrass Robotic Technology

In the next 10 years autonomous technology will gain a significant portion of the professional and consumer market in the United States. This guide covers the current state of these technologies.
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Achieving Sustainability in the Landscape – The Sustainable SITES Initiative

There are several programs that serve as guidelines for pursuing sustainable design, construction, maintenance, and management objectives. This article focuses on The Sustainable SITES Initiative (now, SITES v2).
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Applying Science-based Solutions Toward Solving Turfgrass Management Challenges – Growing playable grasses in shaded and reduced light stadium environments

The ability of a turfgrass manager to effectively grow natural grass in a stadium while continuing to host external events will only increase the capability of the venue to generate revenue throughout the year.
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Ecologically Beneficial Turf – A Changing Landscape

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Working Slower

The solution to not having enough time and people to complete all of the obligations is to slow down, not speed up.
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