Tennessee Turfgrass Association2021-01-20T14:25:04-06:00

Top Leaderboard(TTA)


From the TTA President
From the TVSTMA President
News from TTA

Save the Date for the TTA Annual Conference & Trade Show

We were proud to return to an in-person event in January 2022, and we anticipate a great turnout once again for our 2023 gathering. Be sure to register early and make plans to join us!
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Danny Bader

Danny Bader is a best-selling author and sought-after speaker whose life was transformed by a near death experience.
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Stars of the Industry: TTA Award and Scholarship Applications

An exciting part of our Annual Conference program is the presentation of awards and scholarships honoring those members who work hard to demonstrate a commitment to excellence, best practices, innovation, collaboration and dedication.
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Farewell, Friend: Celebrating the Retirement of Dr. Tom Samples

In this issue of Tennessee Turfgrass, we are talking to the one and only, the man himself, Dr. Tom Samples, UT Extension Specialist.
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First Green Event Held at The Bear Trace at Harrison Bay

On May 3, 2022, The Bear Trace at Harrison Bay held the inaugural First Green event in the state of Tennessee.
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Why Do Herbicides Sometimes Fail?

Sometimes herbicides do not perform as expected. Here are some reasons that herbicides can provide less than desired results.
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State of Matters: Irrigation

The important cultural practice of irrigation comprises three components. They are, in chronological order; monitoring, control, and delivery.
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