Tennessee Turfgrass Association2021-01-20T14:25:04-06:00

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From the TTA President
From the MAGCSA President
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Calendar of Events

Don't Miss TTA's 56th Annual Conference & Tradeshow

Since 1965, the Tennessee Turfgrass Association has held strong to its core mission: To promote the turfgrass industry through education, scholarship and research.
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Trees and Turfs

Trees and turfgrasses share the same basic requirements in order to live.
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Member Spotlight on Jason Bradley

Q & A with TTA Member Jason Bradley – Golf Course Superintendent at the Memphis Country Club.
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It’s a Long Term Impact: Teaching for Future Success and Impact

Teaching by its nature is a thankless job; it’s difficult to judge how effective you’ve been in the moment.
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Let’s Make Work Easier

Work can be so hard sometimes. I don’t have to tell you this as nearly every organization is short staffed and desperate for labor to help.
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